API Reference

Buscar atividade

GET - 200

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "activitytype": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Email",
      "icon": "uil-envelope",
      "color": "#acce24",
      "status": 1,
      "type": 2,
      "author_id": 1,
      "creation_date": "2020-11-12T19:25:08Z",
      "update_date": "2021-02-17T17:29:37Z"
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      "id": 1,
      "detail": "Nome do autor",
      "type": 1,
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    "author_done": {
      "id": 1,
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          "gender": 1,
          "birth_date": "2022-06-07T12:14:01Z",
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          "phone": "55 9 99999999",
          "document": "029.401.850-69",
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          "customer_date": "2022-06-07T12:14:01Z",
          "creation_date": "2022-06-07T12:14:01Z",
          "update_date": "2022-06-07T12:14:01Z",
          "show_name": "Renan Eduardo Fischer"
        "author_id": 1,
        "creation_date": "2022-07-05T14:57:41Z",
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          "uid": "987944d3-98ea-4c59-a05e-b63ffc9b0b54",
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          "show_name": "Nome exibido da conta",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "phone": "55 9 99999999",
          "cnpj": "27.714.675/0001-59",
          "site": "https://site.com",
          "image": "https://image-url/image.png",
          "image_min": "https://image-url/image.png",
          "author_id": 1,
          "status": 1,
          "type": 2,
          "person_type": 1,
          "gender": 1,
          "birth_date": "2020-11-11T21:00:55Z",
          "creation_date": "2020-11-11T21:00:55Z",
          "update_date": "2022-02-04T18:09:35Z"
        "person_id": 1,
        "author_id": 1,
        "creation_date": "2022-07-05T14:57:41Z",
        "update_date": "2022-07-05T14:57:41Z"
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    "stage_id": 1,
    "name": "Email",
    "description": "Descrição da atividade",
    "status_desc": "Concluída sem sucesso",
    "location": "Av. Uruguai, 513 - Centro, Três de Maio - RS, 98910-000, Brasil",
    "meeting_link": "https://meet.google.com/",
    "start_date": "2022-08-10T21:00:00Z",
    "end_date": "2022-08-11T22:00:00Z",
    "conclusion_date": "2022-07-05T14:57:41Z",
    "duration": "01:00:00",
    "status": 5,
    "datetime_status": 0,
    "datetime_status_today": 0,
    "creation_date": "2022-06-21T19:40:06Z",
    "update_date": "2022-07-05T14:57:43Z"
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